White Plains BID continues the Winter Outlook Series with Fitness February Monday, February 1 – Sunday, February 28 Over 10 White Plains Fitness Establishments

Stacy Knows, Stacy G, January 29, 2021
Did you know there are 17 different fitness establishments in downtown White Plains? There is something for everyone! This February, the White Plains BID continues their Winter Outlook series with a month dedicated to fitness opportunities in downtown White Plains. The global pandemic is the biggest disruption the fitness industry has ever faced and they need support now more than ever. Locals are invited to try something new this Fitness February as clubs reinvent their services while staying connected. The heart of any fitness business is its community, making your support crucial to continue to build up white plains during these unprecedented times. Our downtown establishments will offer specials highlighting their signature programs, while adhering to NYS guidelines. Exercise is a key component to stress relief, therefore many facilities offer a wide array of small group classes, one-on-one training, as well as virtual workouts for whatever fits your need this winter.